This website provides complementary materials for the book Applying Requirements and Business Analysis by Jean-Michel Bruel, Sophie Ebersold, and Mariya Naumcheva which is about to be published at Springer and which is a companion of the book Handbook of requirements and business analysis, by Bertrand Meyer. Its content will continuously evolve until (and after) the publication of the companion book itself. The companion constitutes the ideal teaching appendix for teachers, students and practitioners. |
Sample chapter: Frequently Asked Questions
The FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) chapter of the companion book is available for free in this dedicated web page.
PEGS Standard plan templates
Case Studies
Here are some requirements book following the standard plan (explained and detailed in the Companion book):
The Library Management System (available soon)
The Roborace (available soon)
Universities and schools using the book
Here is a non exhaustive list of schools using the Handbook in their course:
Constructor University, Schaffhousen, Switzerland
Université Toulouse 2 Jean Jaurès, Toulouse, France
Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, Helsinki, Finland
University of Scranton, Scranton, USA
IMC Krems University of Applied Sciences, Krems, Austria
Tutorials and training
(2023-09-05) RE'23 Tutorial, by Jean-Michel Bruel. Slides available here.
(2024-04-01) HandBook course material available:
Cheatsheet and illustrations
A PDF, one page cheatsheet is available here.
The following figures can be used in your teaching materials.

Please contact the main author (Jean-Michel[dot]Bruel[at]irit[dot]fr) for more details or if you wish to contribute to these materials.